Bioinformatics Education and Training (B.E.T.)


Tools/Software Tutorials

Acquiring a Protein PDB Structure for FoldX

Summary of acquiring a protein pdb file of your desired protein, repairing the structure and importing it to foldX for further analysis and computational modeling.

FoldX Tutorial

FoldX is a computational alogrithm tool used for protein manipulation, prediction and mutation analysis. It can be used to visualize various structures and protein characteristics both experimental and theoretical.

Post Translational Modifications (PTMs)

Post translational modifications (PTM) are the alteration of proteins after the biosynthetic process of protein translation occurs and includes glycosylation, methylation, phosphorylation, sumoylation, ubiquitination and several more.  PTMs can have effects on gene expression and mutations involved in disease pathways.

bigPint for RNASeq Visualization

bigPint is tool allowing for differential expression analysis methods for visualizing large multivariate datasets. It uses statistical methodologies such as interactive scatterplot matrices, parallel coordinate plots, volcano plots, and litre plots and is a tool of choice for RNA-Seq Visualization.